The Mediators

The New Patrons cannot do without mediators. Whenever a civic initiative wants to change a village, build a monument or realize another idea, the conversation begins with the mediator on site. They are scouts, advisors and connectors. They avoid quick answers and do not have a ready-made plan in their luggage. Their specialty is the art of listening. They help the parties involved to shed light on the background of a situation and the various aspects of a civic concern in order to finally formulate a clear commission to the art.

Mediators are usually active in the region where they live or know their way around. They talk to citizens, but also to people from politics and administration. They are interested in local institutions as well as in the economic environment and local histories. Sometimes mediators are also experts in certain topics or art forms and accompany commissions with a corresponding focus, for example in the field of dance, music or architecture.  

Mediators need to know much more than just the art scene. In order to suggest to commissioners the most suitable artist for their specific project, they must have a good understanding not only of the commission, but also of the place of action and its players. Only then can they accompany the artistic design process with care and ensure that ambitious projects can be realized and the necessary partners brought on board. Often, they remain the contact person for the people involved even after a project has been completed.

The mediators in Germany work as part of the international network Nouveaux Commanditaires/Neue Auftraggeber. They are also organized in the Gesellschaft für Kunst und Mediation im Bürgerauftrag e. V., an association that trains and educates mediators within the New Patrons model, represents their interests and ensures the quality of mediation.

Active Mediators in Germany